
Practical information


Summary of insurance for touring cyclists assurance FCWB cyclotouristes V2020Summary of insurance for riders assurance FCWB coureurs V2020

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Win a Pinarello frame from CarbonBike

To be won in the lottery, this magnificent Pinarello X1 offered by Carbonbike ! www.carbonbike.be  CARBONBIKE was founded in 1988 by Peter Schroen, a former professional cyclist and cycling enthusiast. He seized the opportunity to become the official distributor...

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Rankings will directly be available online via the Chronorace website. You will also be able to download and print your diplomas from there. You will receive your t-shirt right after your arrive at the finish line upon your frame card presentation. Individual photos...

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AccomodationsArdennes-étape Experience the best of the Ardennes Over 2000 holiday homes to satisfy all your needsHôtelsGîtes et ChambresCamping[table...

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